I'm 37 weeks now and had a doctor's appt this afternoon. The doctor checked me and told me that I'm now 1-2 cms dilated and 50% effaced. The baby has also dropped (which I suspected since she hasn't been in my ribs for the last couple of days). My Group B strep test came back negative, woohooo! My doctor said the baby could come next week or anytime now, of course I know there's no way to know, I could be walking around pregnant 4 weeks from now!
Big Boo Cast: Episode 380
11 months ago
holy smokes....Lets go for next
weekend!!! I may be catching a cab from the airport:) can't wait!!!love you
ps you look fabulous:0
love em
I cannot believe the time is here! I'm so excited and cannot wait to see her precious little face. :) WooHoo!!!!
love beth
Love it..can't wait until she's here. I'm so glad we get to see ya'll soon:)
How bout a belly pic..just jump right out there with it girl.
Not many days now hun. looking forward to seeing you soon. we'll know what time probably wednesday. i'll call you thursday morning to give you a heads up. call if you need anything before then.
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